This post is just going to be about me answering a lot of questions I’ve been getting recently. Q: How long is the exchange? A: This exchange is for eleven months. I’m leaving August 4, 2019 and I will be coming back sometime in July 2020. Q: How can I contact you? A: For the first three or four months I won’t be answering anyone’s texts, emails, snaps, DMs, FaceTimes, etc. I don’t mean to be rude in doing this; it’s just so I don’t get homesick. Everyone I’ve talked to that has gone on this exchange has said that the first three months are the hardest for them because of getting use to a new culture and trying to pick up the language. I will be posting things on this blog during the three months. After three or four months (depending on how I’m doing) I will answer people’s texts, emails, snaps etc. ...