So yesterday (Saturday) I went to Geneva (Genf) with Sophie (from the United States), Rachel (from near London Ontario) and Kat (from the United States). I woke up at 7 AM which was... a little too short of a sleep but, whatever. I got ready and almost.. ALMOST... missed my bus to the train station but I didn't. I arrived in Bern at 8:40 AM and met them at the platform. We got great seats for the train to Geneva and played Cards Against Humanity.They filled me in on what I missed during the week. We had a really good time. We had to change trains and the seconds train was a little more boring. At first there were no four seats together but there was two and two across from the isle from each other so we took those. Near the end of the ride some people left and we snagged their seats of four and played miniature Uno. When we got to the Geneva station we decided we wanted to go to the United Nations first so we hopped on a bus and arrived at the "closed" United Nations. I think this was around 11 AM. We took some photos and then left to go find something to eat.
We spent around an hour trying to find a cheap place to eat that looked good and we finally cam across this Italian restaurant that was pretty expensive but it looked really good, but we wanted to see if there was something else but since there was nothing we went to this place which was called Vapiano. I was kinda cool. They gave you a card (kinda like a debit card) and then you would go to a counter and the chef would make what you wanted right there. Sophie, Rachel and I got pasta and Kat got a pizza. It was actually really good food. We then could see the Jet d`Eau in Lake Geneva. It said the walk was thirty minutes but in reality it was only like 10 minutes. It was really cool too. It was so tall we could see it by our restaurant.
We ended up on this dock place where we could take about ride of the lake surrounding the area of the Jet d`Eau. We asked and since we have a General Admission card (allows us to go on whatever train, bus etc we want) we were able to go on it for free. It was a really cool ride and we took lots of pictures. I think the best part of it was when Rachel and I thought it would be funny to the "king of the world" on the boat. But there was a group of people behind us so we were laughing the whole entire time. We got a few photos which came out okay.
We went into this covered area in the boat since no one was there and talked a bit until we noticed that everyone that watched us do the Titanic pose was starting to do the same thing. I swear we laughed for a solid five minutes. We took some more pictures and then got off on the other side of the lake. There was a ferris wheel we went on which was pretty cool but it was rather expensive for the amount of time we were on the ferris wheel for.
We then stopped at some souvenir places and I got a pin for my jacket that says Geneva on it. On the boat ride we saw these places that looked really cool so we decided to go there after. So we hopped on bus and went to the botanical gardens.
It was really cool but we were trying to get out of there and Sophie really wanted to visit the place called "Palace of Nations" and Rachel was already tired and everyone was getting tired to but Sophie wasn`t and she really wanted to go so we went wither but it turned out that "Palace of Nations" is just "United Nations." It was okay though we took a bus back to the train station and got something from Migros (the Switzerland version of Independent or Walmart) and got some things for dinner. I got a sandwich and a salad. Rachel didn't want anything because she was still full form lunch and Sophie got some Mozzarella and Tomatoes. Kat decided she was going to go to Brig before she went home so Rachel, Sophie and I went on the train home from Geneva. It was a nice time. We talked about some things. We planned for Rachel and Sophie to come to my house on Friday so Rachel and I can make either Nanaimo bars or Buttertarts for our Rotary weekend where we have to bring something from our home country to eat. They're going to sleep over and then we are going to take the train to...I don't know where but where ever the weekend is taking place. We had a really fun time in Geneva and we are going to go back when the United Nations is going to be open.
Today I'm not doing a lot. I am cleaning my room and that's about it. I have school tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to but I am excited for Friday.
United Nations Building (Taken through the Gates)
We spent around an hour trying to find a cheap place to eat that looked good and we finally cam across this Italian restaurant that was pretty expensive but it looked really good, but we wanted to see if there was something else but since there was nothing we went to this place which was called Vapiano. I was kinda cool. They gave you a card (kinda like a debit card) and then you would go to a counter and the chef would make what you wanted right there. Sophie, Rachel and I got pasta and Kat got a pizza. It was actually really good food. We then could see the Jet d`Eau in Lake Geneva. It said the walk was thirty minutes but in reality it was only like 10 minutes. It was really cool too. It was so tall we could see it by our restaurant.
Picture taken just down the street form our restaurant
Jet D`eau
Another Jet D`eau
A Time-lapse of the Jet D`Eau
Rachel and I doing the Titanic
A Timelapse of the Ferris Wheel
We then stopped at some souvenir places and I got a pin for my jacket that says Geneva on it. On the boat ride we saw these places that looked really cool so we decided to go there after. So we hopped on bus and went to the botanical gardens.
A Picture of one of the Botanical Garden Buildings
Today I'm not doing a lot. I am cleaning my room and that's about it. I have school tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to but I am excited for Friday.
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